5th – 8th June 2025

GOPA EUROPE Meeting Bergerac / France

The Grumpies are going to France this year!

We all look forward to meeting up again this year and can´t wait to discover that there is more to France than wine and cheese and beautiful women! Oh, and castles …

We aim to offer a balanced program of flying, fun, food and wine. Bergerac is a small town and due to this we have had to limit numbers to a maximum of 60 participants. The organisers are particularly keen to welcome new members to GOPA, making the journey in their Grumman aircraft.

And don’t forget to bring your well read copy of The Little Prince.
Our thanks go to Hervé for organising our meeting in 2025 – merci baeucoup et à bientôt!

Some of the sights to look forward to

The Gabarres de Bergerac

These boats used to transport goods along the Dordogne, especially wine from the vineyards which run along the length of the Dordogne – the vin de Domme, Pecharmant, Monbazillac, Saint Emilion and Pomerol being the main vineyards.

Today the Gabarres are mainly used for tourist trips and offer a relaxing way to enjoy the sight of some of the many Dordogne chateaux and villages from the perspective of the river.