The Portal for Grumman Pilots

Discover our Grumpy world!

16. – 19. May 2024 

GOPA meeting in Oban

We finally made it – the Grumpies were off to Scotland!

Find out all about our wonderful event in an amazing part of the country with stunning scenery, wonderful food and beverages and the famous Scottish hospitality – and all thanks to Valerie and Sandy!

31. August – 1. September 2024

Welspool Fish and Chips Fly-in

19th running of the Annual Fish & Chip fly-in, hosted by Graham Baker. Free overnight parking at the airfield and free landings, subject to purchase of 50 litres of Avgas. For more information e.g. B&Bs and transport contact

23. – 25. August 2024

Grumman and Friends Fly-In Bonn Hangelar

After the FlyIn has always been a great success in recent, there will also be a Grumman meeting in Bonn in 2024 around the anniversary of the first flight of the AA5. And this time we are even celebrating an anniversary, as it is already the 5th meeting.

5 – 7 July 2024

Leicester Grumman Weekend

Weekend event based at popular Leicester Airport (EGBG). This is a new event for 2024 and offers camping on the airfield or local hotel accommodation, licensed airfield bar/cafe, Saturday fly out and evening BBQ.

Our Gang

It´s great to be grumpy!

We are a European group of GRUMMAN pilots and meet up as often as possible.

Over the years many of us were found worthy to join the exclusive Grumpy Gang Hall of Fame or were awarded with a special trophy for their Grumpy achievements.

Our tours

Highlights of SOME of our Great Tours

  • Oban – The GOPA Gathering That Never Was – 2021

  • Grand Unplanned Security Tour – Round About French Territory – 2010

  • Great Unplanned Ireland Scotland Tour – 2009

  • Grand Unplanned Italy and Nearly Greece – 2009

  • North Cape Adventure – 2008

  • Grand Unplanned Mediteranean African Tour – 2007